The importance of constancy


 Hey, today we made a little reflection about what our philosophy is about, because sometimes we have a lot of obligations and tasks to do, and sometimes we lack time to dedicate ourselves more to spiritual contemplation.

 That's when we heard the divine voice, and it said to us, "Hey, stop worrying, that's actually what true contemplation is about."  And we ask: "But how come ..?"

 And Consciousness answered us:

 "Doing what is right is the true law and spiritual evolution, and that is what you are doing, every time you take good care of your home, your health, your work, you are evolving and that is the constancy of  true contemplation.

 Observe a large part of the religious, they spend a lot of time praying, concerned with thousands of rules, and many neglect health, family and their routine obligations. "

 So, not only do we give thanks for this teaching, but we understand the virtue of constancy that is always progressing into something good.

 Let's take an example, you live alone, you don't have a cleaning lady and of course the garbage and dirty dishes are accumulating, so you are obliged to always collect the garbage, clean and wash the dishes, besides organizing things.

 If you refuse, you will have to live with an unpleasant situation and that situation will get worse and worse, and it will become increasingly difficult to fix.

 So here we can understand that it is always necessary to take care of things, as well as progressing, what we call constancy.

 In everything in your life, this virtue will be important to you, never stop progressing and evolving, always organize things well, always take care of your health and be sure to invest, besides of course reading, learning good things, exercising, and  all of this is constancy and part of true spiritual contemplation.

 Aisi ~


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